VAFFU Code of conduct
All members must follow both the VAFFU and VATSIM Codes of Conduct at all times, regardless of whether or not they are actively flying for the unit. Members who repeatedly fail to follow these guidelines may be removed from the unit.
Remember that members do not only represent themselves but the VAFFU organization as a whole. Their actions could potentially affect the entire unit, so it is each member’s responsibility to have integrity and follow these rules and guidelines.
​All applicants of VAFFU, must have active VATSIM memberships, and be members in good standing of the VATSIM Network.
All members must adhere to the VAFFU privacy policy, and understand that their name (first and last), as well as their VATSIM CID, will appear on the publicly viewable roster and other resources online.
While we do accept members who are under 16 years old, these members must have parental consent to join this organization and for their information to be publicly visible, in order to comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
Please see the VAFFU privacy policy document for more info.
All applicants shall complete the VATSIM Pilot Learning Center course material, prior to applying to VAFFU
This course will cover the basic theory of VATSIM Operations and can provide basic procedural information that will be relevant during VAFFU official training. This material is available at https://my.vatsim.net/learn.
​All members shall complete the VATSIM vSOA minimum training requirements, as well as any additional required training as prescribed by a VAFFU instructor, prior to participating in real fire operations with VAFFU. This training will be provided by VAFFU training staff upon joining the unit. More information on training requirements is available here.
All VAFFU Unit Members, while on the VATSIM network are only permitted to use the prescribed four-letter identifiers on the https://www.vaffu.org/ident